Wednesday, January 16, 2008

I have seen the Promise land.

I have Seen The Promise Land



1. What do you think Dr.King was talking about when he wrote this speech?

2. What is your interpretation of the speech?

3.How do you think Dr.King would feel about African Americans if he was alive today?


Kareem's Blog said...

This speech is very inspiring to all black people in tht world

Nally {Mz.X} said...

This speech is so amazing..MLK words are amazing

Dat-boi-mak ya-digg said...

Dr. Martin Luther King was a grat man and this is a good speech

Anonymous said...

this blog is very touching & inspirational.Dr.King expresses how blacks should strive to overcome all the setbacks they face in life because of segregation.I absolutely loved it!!!!

King Dr3 said...

This was a very deep, inspirational and powerful speech by dr.king. It personified what a great man he was.